The return system

A further development of liquid hardness stabilization, offers the method with the return system. For long-term protection of seepage water drain and associated drainage tubes, the so-called return system (RES) was developed.

The feedback system is our most wanted product within the past 5 years. The understanding of the engineers for the importance of drainage systems has changed radically in the past 10 years. The damages of the first concrete tunnels have moved a lot. The feedback system is a milestone in improving the longevity and durability of an underground structure. Both engineers as well as builders and experts understood and implemented that message.

The RFS consists of a flexible cable (such as HDPE Ø> 24 mm) with holes at intervals of 5 – 10 m. During the phase of construction this cable is fixed into the vault of the seepage water drain near the drainage line. The cables are connected with each others in the control shafts of the drainage. If calcium deposits are observed then the already conditioned mountain water from the drainage system can be removed and returned to the seepage water drain. Therefore the mountain water is collected in the controll shafts of the drainage and transported by pumps back to the seapage water drain.

The advantage

The advantage of the RES is that the hardness stabilizer reaches not only in the accessible part of the drainage system, but also the inaccessible and therefore the drainage/flow- paths may be kept open for a very long time. The RES is designed primarily for new construction projects (hereinafter the RES scheme of Koralmtunnel ÖBB-Rail Line Graz – Klagenfurt / Constitutional engineering firm Lombardi – Switzerland).

The RES can be partially put in operation. This means that it is possible to treat only these areas, in which hard deposits make problems. The remaining sections are left untreated, also is the use of the RES has no time limit. The system can be take out of service at any time – if the situation is improving -. The installation of the cables ( hoses) for the return system can be considered as pre-investment for the durability of the structure. During the phase of construction, the decision can to be taken in which zones the system should be put in operation.

During the operation of the RES the consumption of hardness stabilizer will not increase, because in most of the cases the recycled mountain water is already preconditioned.
If you like we are free and available to plan your recovery system for your building

For further information please call us.