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The quantity of mountain water that can be treated vary from a few liters per minute to about 50 – 500 l / s. The cost savings we can offer to you range between 60 – 70% compared to the conventional method of high-pressure- Cleaning-. Not considered here is the wear of the facilities by the regular cleaning.

The implementation of such a system in practice is probably easier than you can imagine. It is important that the drainage system is connected to each other over long distance, it should contain no derivatives or branches, so that the number of necessary metering systems can be kept as small as possible.

It is useful to connect the drainage line with each other over the whole distance. This increases the flow rate of the mountain water (resulting in less of the total deposits) and makes it possible to treat all the water with a single installation. Emergency overflows relieve the system at high amounts of water. It makes sense to keep the dosage constant and not to try to do it “perfect” by the measurement of various parameters.

Our experience has shown that the various parameters that influence the deposit formation behavior (pH, calcium content, water quantity, etc.) opposite in practice and this largely neutralize each other.

To controll the success of the treatment you can deposit a stone in the drainage system. If the stone has after some time deposits…. the dosage is to low…if not, so the dosage can be reduced until an equilibrium is reached.

Strong deposits during the construction period are a bad sign. Here, the use of the hardness stabilization should be orgainized at once. The white deposits are caused by the cement based building materials (pH increase), the yellow deposits indicate that the original mountain water causes calcium deposits.