The method / process

The process of liquid hardness stabilization is based on, that to the mountain water a hardness stabilizer is added. As a result no regular lime crystals can grow up and the formation of hard deposits is impossible. This principle is used in the industry for over 50 years, for example, for the treatment of cooling water systems (to prevent deposits from the thickening) or to prevent scale formation in heat transfer for example on the walls of boilers.

By the addition of the hardness stabilizer to the mountain water, the calcium crystals can not grow up on a regular basis. This results in deformed crystals, which will no longer stick to the sides, but are washed away by the water flow. When a hardness stabilizer is added to the water, the amount of lime into the water increases. This is because the lime is in suspension, thereby preventing the precipitation. This increase can be quantify, in our experience it is around 2 ° dH

The requirements of the hardness stabilizer for drainage systems and for the industry are very different. For example, the residence time, for the hardness stabilizer, in a building drainage system is a few hours in the industry, however it takes several weeks. In the industry, the hardness stabilizers have to endure high temperatures and bacteria ….. in buildings, however, the requirements are a lot lower.

In industry, a large number of deposits have to be defeated: lime, gypsum, iron compounds, silicon, fats of all kinds. When we look at building drainage systems we see in most cases only calcium deposits (sintering) possibly in combination with iron ocher. The conditions are less hard so the products should be harmless.

Our Products

Our products are manufactured so that they meet all the requirements and in the same time have the smallest impact on the environment. We use only materials that are biodegradable and have low toxicity. The necessary concentrations are usually several times (about 100 to 1000-fold) below the legal tolerance limit, which are provided for the direct discharge to water courses. In several cantons of Switzerland and / in other European countries, our approach has been exempted from the licensing requirement by the Environmental Protection offices – because of the requirement which falls below the mass of insignificance.
The concentrations range from 1 to 10 ppm (on average, but about 3 – 4 ppm).

The easiest way to condition the mountain water is with the aid of a metering installation. Therefore we need a space of around 1 m to 1 m, 1.5 m high. In addition, an electrical connection of 220V/10A and a dosing line up to the addition point of the product to the mountain water. Our installations consist of a collection tray, a reservoir, one or more metering pumps and a pressure gauge to control the entire dosing system. The refilling of the agent can be done annually.

The system is checked every 6 months and maintained if necessary. The average lifetime of a plant is about 20 years, after this time the metering pumps should be replaced and the system should be renewed completely. The cost for a metering system range between some US 1000 and several US 10,000 – depending on the size and requirements Upon request, the equipment can be leased.